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  • AutorenbildWanja Wedekind

Summer School 2019 in Armenia - application deadline extended

With the headline "STONES IN ARMENIAN ARCHITECTURE - Stone decay, damage assessment, stone properties, practical conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage" in 2019 a first summer school will take place in Armenia. Three summer schools will be organized from 2019 to 2021 in the framework of the research and training project „Building stones in the architectural heritage of Armenia“ supported bei the VOLKSWAGEN FOUNDATION (AZ 93919) with Prof. Dr. Siegfried Siegesmund as the project manager in charge.

The project will be administered by the Georg-August-University of Göttingen/ Germany and the National University of Architecture and Construction Armenia (NUACA). Other partners of the project are the Institute of Geological Sciences at the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, the Technical Universities of Kassel (Germany) and Cologne (Germany).

The training mentor will be Dr. Wanja Wedekind supported by several armenian and german experts. Among the German experts are the conservators York Rieffel from Berlin and Prof. Dr. Peter Kozub from the Technical University in Cologne.

Deadline for application has now been extended to 15th December 2018.

The aim of this project is to establish three year training and qualification courses in the field of geosciences and conservation science. Graduates will learn all the necessary techniques and the scientific background in regards to present-day methods and techniques of stone and monument preservation.

An important and actual research question with respect to significant cultural heritage monuments is the understanding of weathering processes and the application of conservation treatments, e.g. salt reduction and stone consolidation. Within the framework of our educational strategy and practical on-site training, a solid foundation will be realized at the NUACA. The training program and the development of the academic infrastructure will provide the basis for the stone conservation curriculum at the NUACA in Armenia. First results will be published on the 14th international Conference on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone that will take place in 2020 in Göttingen and Kassel (Germany).

Further information about the summer school and the application form can be download here.

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