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  • AutorenbildWanja Wedekind

STONE2020 Call for abstracts

Next year the University of Göttingen and the University of Kassel are delighted to be hosting the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone (STONE 2020). The STONE 2020 is entitled: MONUMENT FUTURE: DECAY AND CONSERVATION OF STONE and will take place on the 7th-12th of September in Göttingen, Germany.

Now application an the call for abstracts is open. Further information are giving by the congress webpage or can be downloaded by the following PDF-document.

The Congress is a quadrennial event. It is the main conference for disseminating the knowledge of practitioners and researchers working in the field of stone deterioration issues in cultural heritage conservation. In the past, it has attracted around 300 international delegates and publishes the proceedings that contains over 150 scientific contributions. It truly represents and captures the state-of-the- art in the field of stone conservation and cultural heritage conservation.

The proceedings will be ready prior to the conference. To manage everything right in time we will have to be very strict, therefore please follow the instructions and the deadlines. All the information you need is available on the webpage

After the conference, the organizers are offering a Summer School, which will be generously supported by the DEUTSCHE BUNDESSTIFTUNG UMWELT – DBU - (GERMAN FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION). Also Applied Conservation Science (ACS) will be involved.

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