The European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) starts at the beginning of March with one of its highlights in the World Heritage City of Florence. From 1 to 3 March, an international conference on the ethics of conservation and restoration will take place in the Auditorium of the Dome. Now the final program is fixed.
The conference will focus on the relationship between theory and practice of conservation- restoration in the field of heritage preservation. The contributions will reflect the positions and developments of the twentieth century for the challenges of the twenty first century.
Particular attention will be directed to architectural heritage, its surroundings and its settings. Contributions and discussions will deal with experiences and perspectives of conservation-restoration, especially in European heritage preservation.
A critical look from outside Europe is welcomed and expected to provide important input and fresh perspectives.
The ethics of conservation concern issues of the relationship between objects and actors, i.e. between our heritage and the professionals dealing with heritage preservation. Ethical principles as a basis for developing appropriate methods and techniques of conservation- restoration are required. These applied ethics are closely connected with the professional ethics of conservator-restorers and of all other specialists involved inthe preservation of architectural heritage. The conference will pay attentionto improving interdisciplinary cooperation between conservator-restorers, architects, craftsmen, art historians, building archaeologists, conservation scientists, and all others active in this field. With reference to everyday practice, the discussion will deal with the special professional problems and tasks of all these specialists and try to increase the quality of communication and co-operation.
The conference contributions shall establish a close contact between theoretical positions and their significance for the practice of conservation-restoration. The conference aims to offer a forum for discussion between professionals with various specializations, including students and young professionals active in the field of heritage preservation. Florence presents excellent potential for visits on site, with the possibility to evaluate famous conservation-restorations of the last decades and to study current conservation-restoration projects. In this context, one of the central issues will focus on historical, ethical, and aesthetic aspects dealing with the fragment and the possibilities of integration and presentation, with reference to theories and practice of conservation-restoration in the twentieth century and the perspectives of today.
In the course of the European Year of Cultural Heritage EYCH 2018, the issues and goals of the Florence conference will be continued and deepened by various regional European workshops that focus on special local problems and demands of conservation- restoration, optimally with historical and current case studies. The aim is to organize these workshops with the support of ICOMOS National Committees and national professional organizations. The intent of these workshops is to strengthen the European network for interdisciplinary exchange and co-operation in the field of conservation-restoration of architectural heritage, its surfaces and settings.
The event is run by a variety of organizations and public institutions. Various International Scientific Committees of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) are also present, as well as institutes and foundations from Florence. From Germany the ICOMOS Working Group Restoration of Wall Painting and Architectural Surfaces and the Association of Restorers (VDR) is involved.